Abode {W}

Thursday, June 23, 2011

pretty, happy, funny, real, the mostly pretty edition

Garden in early morning

Roses in the bedroom

And in the dining room

The large pale yellow rose in front is called Jude the Obscure

And, a funny little Stuart wearing my dish washing gloves!
The roses are in full bloom, and I have vases of them all over the house. Even if the rest of the house is a mess (which it frequently is during strawberry season), having vases of beautiful, fragrant roses makes me feel like things haven't slipped to far! They add a note of calm and beauty to the crazy business of this season. There really is something about that horrid old cliche about taking time to smell the roses-every time I stop and breath deeply of their scent, I feel a little bit more calm! Lending credence to my statement that this season is crazy busy is Estelle, pictured delighting in her little brother, with some major decollete showing. I was so swamped that I did not even notice her outfit until I downloaded the picture! Ooops! At least she did not go anywhere wearing the dress! Linking with Like mother, like daughter for the weekly pretty, happy, funny, real posts!


  1. Your garden and roses are so pretty! I love the vases the roses are in also.

  2. Your roses are just beautiful! Do you have to spray yours? Here, the humidity is so high that roses must be sprayed every week or they are covered in black spot.

  3. Beautiful roses!! I am so jealous, mine are terrible this year.

  4. Those roses are GORGEOUS! Love it!

  5. hi
    beautiful roses!!! i love all your arrangements,
    and your yellow rose is sooooooooooo pretty.

  6. Wow - what a garden you must have - I'm getting the idea that your home and grounds are special, whether you think they're messy or not!

    Jude the Obscure! Is it a David Austin?

  7. Thank you all! Lisa, Jude the Obscure is a David Austin. We buy ours from Heirloom Roses in St. Paul, Oregon. They have really healthy plants and ours have done really well with no trouble.
